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Pterygium is a common eye condition that affects the conjunctiva, which is the thin, transparent layer covering the white part of your eye (sclera). It's often referred to as "surfer's eye" because it's more prevalent in individuals who spend a lot of time outdoors in sunny or windy conditions.

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Signs &

Visible growth
Redness, Irritation & Foreign Body Bensation
Blurry Vision

Protective Eyewear

Wearing sunglasses or goggles that block UV rays can help shield your eyes from harmful sun exposure and reduce the risk of developing pterygium.

Eye Lubrication

Using artificial tears or lubricating eye drops can help keep your eyes moist and reduce irritation, especially in dry or windy conditions.

Avoiding Eye Irritation

Try to avoid situations that can irritate your eyes, such as exposure to dust, wind, or smoke.


Blood investigations like CBC Blood sugar levels, HIV, HBsAg, ECG and Physician fitness for surgery



In mild cases where the pterygium is small and not causing significant symptoms, we may recommend regular monitoring to track its progression.

Pterygium Excision with Conjunctival Autograft

This surgical procedure involves removing the pterygium growth from the surface of the eye and then covering the area with healthy tissue harvested from another part of the eye (conjunctival autograft). This technique aims to reduce the chances of pterygium recurrence and promote faster healing.

Eye Drops

Lubricating eye drops or ointments can help alleviate symptoms of dryness and irritation associated with pterygium.

Stichless, Glueless Technique

Here we are doing latest stichless glueless pterygium surgery. In this approach, specialized instruments and techniques are used to perform the surgery without the need for traditional sutures or adhesive glue to secure the graft. This can lead to quicker recovery times and less discomfort for the patient.

Recovery & Follow-Up

Recovery Time

Recovery from pterygium surgery is typically relatively quick, with most patients experiencing improved comfort and vision within a few days to weeks after the procedure.

Follow-Up Visits

You will need to attend follow-up appointments with us to monitor your progress and ensure that the graft is healing properly.We will provide guidance on when it's safe to resume normal activities and any precautions you should take to prevent complications or recurrence.usually rest of minimum 5 days is enough.

Pterygium surgery, particularly with innovative techniques like stichless, glueless approaches, offers effective treatment for this common eye condition, helping to restore comfort and clarity of vision for patients.